So over the last week I have seen a plethora of posts of our Gen Z nieces age shaming, declaring that us “old ladies” are jealous of their youth, and how we have ruined our lives… yadda yadda yadda… I even saw a post were 56 year old Nicole Murphy

was "age shamed".. now there is a lot to shame her ass over but how she is aging aint one of them!
Im also trying to figure out how we are going to ignore all of the countless ageless beauties out here that are defying what "aging is supposed to look like?

I feel like a series of blogs surrounding this topic is on its way.... Because there are so many layers to this. It is absolutely true that there are some older women who exhibit these behaviors, hell I experienced it myself and spoke briefly about it on this instagram post, but to over generalize is basically akin to lying.
Now I know her video is from a few months ago, but Im just now seeing it so lets peel this one back.. Gurl la' la's... I got our back!
"We", want to be seen so bad...
So.... here is the thing.. She says that we want to be seen so bad? Muffin, what you dont understand is that WE ARE SEEN... do not be intimidated by the woman that has glown older and still naturally commands the attention in the room. Were beautiful, and so are you, it doesnt dim your light because we are also seen, just like it doesnt dim ours when you're seen. Muffin, I will shine a light of celebration on you before trying to take away form you.
"We", should be teaching, but were just competing.
Muffin, How can we teach where we are not respected? How can we teach the unteachable? How can we teach the person that knows it all already? The fact that you are 15 minutes outside of your mommas womb, and have already so brazenly decided to align yourself with harmful rhetoric that will soon apply to you is very telling. Lastly.. if I wanted to give you some advice, about how to stop that hyperpigmentation that is coming for you undereyes that is actually aging you.. You probably wouldnt want to hear it, or be suspicious because "Im older, and jealous", when really, Im just older,and experienced and have learned some things that can help... but then again, youve been so nasty with your words, why would I ever offer you that advice.. just trust.. there is an "old lady" on the way to your house too, and she's going to need some concealer..
"We've" ruined our lives and made mistakes
Sure, some of us certainly have, but just as much as some of us have ruined our lives, we've corrected our mistakes and gotten on track.. Keep living and you too will make mistakes and ruin some things.. its called life, learning and evolving muffin, and if you're blessed you will get to do it too... Never forget that when the stats about the most educated and successful group of women came from my generation.. NOT YOURS.. BUT baby you still have time.
The older men are checking for us
Of course they are... they want fresh meat, and an unsuspecting willing participant.. many of them have already failed at marriage, ruined women, and children, and are not held accountable, and because we have moved on, and dont want or need their baggage.. they will gladly take you on in their old age, so that you can take care of their arthritis having, erectile dysfunction suffering, and in search of hospice wives asses. We KNOW these niggas... and we are not impressed.
"Yall" keep telling us to live "our" lives
And we do... Baby, you only have one, and it is to be experienced to its greatest good and highest potential. So many of us see ourselves in you and dont want you to miss out on opportunities that we took for granted. We are advocating that you live your life intentionally, and to the fullest. To not center anything, or anyone that will cause regret, shame, pain, or disappointment... Why cant you just clock that tea, and stop trying u....
I will admit that some of us are toxic!
I've had some experiences with toxic older women, yes, some of us are jealous, and bitter, but the majority are not.

So there will be no denying that some older women are like this, but most of us have no desire to be in our 20's, 30's , or even 40's anymore. There is something so satisfying about "Glowing older" that words cannot express. Not even just how a lot of us look our best after 40, but the wisdom and confidence that comes along with it... 🫰🏽 chefs kiss!
"Let’s get something straight—age is a blessing, not a burden. Every year you add is another chapter of wisdom, resilience, and glow that these age-shaming folks can’t even buy at Sephora. Baby, you’re not getting ‘older,’ you’re leveling up! You’re the fine wine, the rare gem, the timeless masterpiece they wish they could imitate. So let them talk while you keep shining, because this grown-woman magic is a privilege—not everyone gets to have it. Celebrate your years, your glow, and your unstoppable vibe. You’re aging like the blueprint, and they can’t handle it."
✨ Youth is cute, but Grown is Gorgeous ✨
